Author Archives: AGROEXTIENDE

Agroextiende tests new varieties of blueberries for farm in Piura

The agroindustrial company Agroextiende Perú developed an experimental area to test new varieties of blueberries for its farm located in Piura. This is announced by Beatriz Tubino, the company’s new business manager, who points out that they are in the trial phase with varieties from Fall Creek and the University of Georgia. Source: https://gestion.pe/economia/empresas/agroextiende-prueba-nuevas-variedades-de-arandanos-para-finca-en-piura-empresas-piura-noticia/#google_vignette

Individuals and corporates can now share in Peru’s ‘blue gold’ success

Individuals and corporates from around the world have started to share in Peru’s blue gold success by investing and owning a real piece of productive export blueberry and, eventually, table grape land. The new 1,005 hectare agro-industrial complex in Piura, Peru, will establish a co-operative called Fundo Azul. Beatriz Tubino, Manager of new business for […]

An agroindustrial complex focused on blueberries is born in Piura

This new agricultural business model in Piura has three investment options for those who wish to expand or enter agro-export. Among the alternatives, there is the possibility of becoming part of a modern cooperative by acquiring lots from 1,000 m2; the purchase of ‘super lots’ (50 hectares and 100 hectares) or receive personalized advice on […]